類別: 咖啡茶室,西餐
地址: 灣仔汕頭街3號地下(港鐵灣仔站 A3 出口)
電話: 9016 3832
Birdman Sandwich
Ngau Lam Wich
Lennon Fries
營業時間:一至五: 12:00-20:30
六: 10:00-20:00; 日: 11:30-20:00

網址: breadandbeasthk.com

Bread & Beast
A GREAT SANDWICH is a GREAT MEAL plated between two slices of bread. We design our sandwiches with the discipline and zest of specialized chefs, cooking up and tweaking down our unique creations.

Our sandwiches consist of three components, or what we dub the Sandwich-Trinity: Wholesome bread, zesty pickles, and a succulent piece of meat. Hearty and comforting…with surprising twist.

Our Bread –
Local bakery, par-baked and finished at perfection at the time of order.

Our Meat –
Nose-to-tail philosophy, slow cooked to achieve succulent meat.

Our Pickles –
Flavorful pickles of exciting, seasonal fruits and vegetables such as green apple, grapes, cherries, daikon, ginger, and many more. This is a game-changer that adds a whole new dimension of flavour to our sandwiches.

Bread & Beast facebookhttp://bit.ly/2hKmx43
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