French chicken
Rib eye steak - Best Steak
Lobster Linguine
Hand cut Stake tarter
星期日至四: 12:00-00:00
星期五至六: 12:00-01:00
付款方式:Visa Master AE 現金
網址: bistroeast.com.hk
French chicken
Rib eye steak - Best Steak
Lobster Linguine
Hand cut Stake tarter
星期日至四: 12:00-00:00
星期五至六: 12:00-01:00
付款方式:Visa Master AE 現金
網址: bistroeast.com.hk
Bistro East
An new and exciting F&B concept is coming soon to the waterfront of Soho East. Are you ready for an authentic French Bistro Experience? Get ready for what Chef GREGORY BOUGER and his team has in store for you this October.
Bistro East fanpagehttp://bit.ly/2mdOpl7
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