類別: Fine Dining,多國菜,法國菜,西餐
地址: 香港天后屈臣道2-8號海景大廈c座5樓(港鐵炮台山站 A 出口)
電話: 2979 0064
營業時間–“ :
星期日: 休息
Kitchen closes at 10:30pm)

網址: anotherplace.com.hk

AnOther Place by David Myers
Hong Kong’s first Michelin-starred chef Speakeasy Dining Room serving French Asian tasting menus. Free BYOB policy. 180° panoramic Victoria harbourview.

Hong Kong’s first Speakeasy Dining Room curated by Michelin-starred chef featuring $0 corkage fee BYOB-friendly policy*

AnOther Place by David Myers is the Gypsy Chef™’s answer to the urbanites’ want for a home away from home. Hidden in an industrial complex situated on Hong Kong’s Victoria harbourfront, this speakeasy dining room unfolds Chef Myers’ own gastronomic West-meet-East adventures through a duo of 4-course and 6-course French Asian tasting menus.

Not-to-be-missed are pop-up local artist exhibitions and contemporary music gigs that grace the chillout lounge and hallways. Not a café, not a bistro, not a restaurant, this is AnOther Place, curated for social diners who are looking for high-quality, intimate gastronomic experience.

*Please note we will provide one wine glass per guest. If you require extra glasses, please let us know and there may be glass cleaning charges.
2016年3月9日 都市日報@識食
隱身廠廈的米芝蓮吉卜賽人AnOther Place by David Myers
在工廠大廈的餐廳不一定平平無奇,於天后的海景大廈 C 座五樓,本來賣葡萄酒的Hip cellar,如今與米芝蓮大廚、酷愛周遊列國、人稱Gypsy Chef的David Myers合作,開設AnOther Place by David Myers。佔地二千多呎,以外國流行的Speakeasy Dining Room作概念,帶有濃厚懷舊工業潮宅風格,完全沒有Fine Dining的拘謹氣氛。
Photo by:ifoodcourt (info@ifoodcourt.com.hk)
近年David積極開拓亞洲市場,今次選擇在天后工廠大廈與酒窖合作,除了帶來他在過去20年,到世界不同地方遊歷的所見所聞,以一道道菜呈現之外,更可以在Hip Cellar買酒,然後帶到餐廳享用,就算是自攜葡萄酒,皆不收開瓶費,貫切BYOB(Bring Your Own Bottle)的精神,對於喜歡葡萄酒的人,是天大喜訊。
六道菜套餐,收費每位$880,由前菜昆布海草薄切比目魚、昆布啫喱、野米爆谷(Konbiu cured halibut,Nori jam,Puffed wild rice)開始。聽說David在東京的時候,向壽司師傅取經,從而創作出這道充滿東洋風的比目魚,經過昆布的醃製,晶瑩剔透的比目魚薄片,滲出陣陣清香,加上香脆的野米作點綴,大大加強了層次感。
Roasted Brittany Diver Scallops, Lovage Infused Clam Chowder, Squid Ink
之後上菜的有烤法國帶子、法國野芹周打蜆肉湯、墨魚汁(Roasted Brittany Diver Scallops, Lovage Infused Clam Chowder, Squid Ink)。師傅利用來自法國布塔尼的手釣帶子,兩邊煎至金黃,帶有焦香之餘,內裏仍保持其鮮甜、嫩滑。與Creamy的周打蜆湯伴吃,是另一番嶄新飲食體驗,然後把墨汁與周打蜆湯伴勻,其鮮味有助中和蜆湯的膩。
Confit of Norwegian Salmon, Truffled Potato Gnocchi, Crispy Ostail, Buttered Leeks, Red Wine Beef Jus
看到油封挪威三文魚、黑松露意式薯仔麵糰、煎牛尾、牛油大葱、紅酒牛肉汁(Confit of Norwegian Salmon, Truffled Potato Gnocchi, Crispy Ostail, Buttered Leeks, Red Wine Beef Jus)的賣相,不期然想起近年席捲全球飲食潮流的北歐料理,美輪美煥,利用空間感製造出有如藝術的圖畫,經過低溫油浸的三文魚,外表與三文魚生沒兩樣,裏面的肉質卻柔軟得入口即化,鮮味瞬間在舌尖上爆發。牡丹雖好也要綠葉扶持,而松露薯仔麵糰則完全發揮到綠葉應有的出色,入口煙韌,更帶着濃烈的松露香,外表酥脆的煎牛尾,估不到裏面包着的,是軟腍得只要用舌頭輕輕一推,便溶化在口的牛尾。
彩胡椒醃鹿兒島和牛西冷、白蘿蔔紫蘇沙律、濃肉汁(Peppered Kagoshima Wagyu Strip Loin, Parsnip and Shiso Salad, Jus Corse)利用兩個牛肉不同部位,配合兩種不同做法——Strip Loin以煎封形式來演繹,得以保存其豐富的油香,入口的一刻,肉香與油花同一時間夾擊,根本難以招架。慢煮Short Rib則是另一種美態,豐厚、實在的質感不失嫩滑,肉香亦非常突出。這個隱身於在工廠大廈的好地方實在值得推薦!

AnOther Place by David Myers fanpagegoo.gl/Z8422m
座位數目:40 | VIP房 | 酒精飲品 | 開瓶費:/ | 切餅費:/ | free wi-fi
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