Pizzeria Jacomax
Everything started with two Home-Sick Boy
Jacopo (周紅賓), co-founder of Jacomax Pizzeria, started his career in his own gelato shop based out of Saikung in 2010 named BIBINI, crafting all home-made gelato on site, which gained him success and recognition in Hong Kong.
Maxy, the other co-founder of Jacomax ,lived in Saikung, nearby Jacopo gelato shop. He and his family were the most loyal customer of BIBINI. Soon he and Jacopo became good friends. Max was working in the world of fashion garment but always secretly wished to open a restaurant.
He and Jacopo were costantly home-sick about their home style food.
They always find themselves complaining it was impossible to go to a good italian restaurant without crying when the bill arrive! Beside the quality of the food was nothing like at home
Maxy got an idea : why not to make a Pizza as good as Bibini gelato?
Being Italian and costantly home sick about traditional food, Jacopo accepted enthusiastycally !!
Thats where the name JACO-MAX come from ! Two friend linked togheter thanks to the power of food!
After many trials and errors , they finally discover the recipe for the perfect pizza dough
CHE BUONO!!! Soon their pizza became a sensation !
Thanks to a loyal base of fans , friends and lovely customer they were able to open another retail in Quarry bay and then in 2014 to expand Sheung wan shop!
Jacopo and his lovely wife and family still run the places and they are ready to open more and more restaurants, spreding the good name of REAL ITALIAN FOOD !
地址:上環永樂街38-42號東成商業大廈地下C舖 (港鐵上環站 A2 出口)
電話:2851 4688
營業時間:星期一至日 12:00-23:30
地址:銅鑼灣渣甸街50號渣甸中心地舖 (港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口)
營業時間:12:00 – 22:00
地址:尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華廣場1期2樓207號舖 (港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B1 出口)
地址:將軍澳寶琳欣景路8號新都城中心二期UG樓UG092-94號舖 (港鐵寶琳站 A2 出口)
12:00 – 16:00
17:00 – 22:00
Pizzeria Jacomax facebook http://bit.ly/2rBdwgl
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