玩具屋 Ganguya
Ganguya” is a new robatayaki restaurant taking the theme of a toy shop. The façade showcase is filled with toys from the 70’s and 80’s, including such childhood figures as Dr Slump, Doraemon, Saint Seiya, Gold Lightan, Godsigma, Sailor Moon, Mazinger, Grendizer and many other nostalgic toys
The front section is dominated by a large grill counter with display of fresh ingredients which customers can choose and order directly. Lighting is from tungsten filament light bulbs and the walls are covered with vintage metal plaques and cartoon posters, creating a soft retro mood
玩具屋 facebookhttp://bit.ly/2qCNfS9
玩具屋 instagramhttp://bit.ly/2rmPQNd
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