類別: 比利時菜,西餐,酒吧
地址: 請參閱內文
營業時間:一至五: 16:00-00:00
星期六、日及公眾假期: 12:00-00:00
付款方式:Visa Master AE 現金 銀聯

網址: belgica.hk

Belgica is a Belgian restaurant serving over 70 different Belgian Beers, from Trappist Beers / Abbaye Beers to Fruit Beers / Sour Beers…

Fresh baby mussels in creamy sauce & Home-made Frites are our signature Belgian dishes that you must try! With our expansion of “Brassarie Belgica” to the next shop, now we extend our food menu and serving lobsters & steaks…

We open early at 12pm on every Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Wanna to try our Brunch? Please call and make a reservation!

地址:西環堅尼地城厚和街25-33號厚威閣地下B2號舖 (港鐵堅尼地城站 B 出口)
電話:2817 7717
營業時間:一至五: 16:00-00:00
星期六、日及公眾假期: 12:00-00:00
地址:銅鑼灣禮頓道125號地舖 (港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口)
電話:2110 1018
營業時間:星期一至日: 16:00-00:00

Belgica facebookhttp://bit.ly/2i9Pkw4
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